(15) Tharoorian Vocabulary -5 Kakistocracy
Pankaj Khanna
Visiting Faculty Maths/DI-LR
IMS Indore.( 9424810575)
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(This article is Posted on 25/4/2023.)
KAKISTOCRACY: A form of government in which the least qualified or most unprincipled individuals are in power.
This is how Shashi Tharoor used the word: "Sometimes, in recent years, it has seemed that the world’s largest democracy has in many ways degenerated into a kakistocracy".
While I like the word but do not like his usage which to me is far-flung. In fact Kakistocracy and Political Corruption have been prevailing in all Indian States intermittently since 1947.
Kakistocracy is a government by the worst elements in society. The word comes from the Greek ‘kakistos’, which is the superlative form of the word ‘kakos’, meaning ‘bad’; kakistos means 'worst'. And kratos means 'rule'.
American media reintroduced the word Kakistocracy to discuss the rule of President Donald Trump; whose policies and tweets evoked fear and anger in many of the US Citizens.
Shashi Tharoor tried to use the same word for present Government of India but did not find much support for this claim even from his Party.
( Find out the meaning of a few words ending with cracy:
Democracy, Bureaucracy, Aristocracy, Autocracy, Gerentocracy, Theocracy, Plutocracy, Meritocracy, Technocracy, Thalassocracy, Pantisocracy, Plantocracy, Stratocracy, Gynecocracy, Slavocracy, Ochlocracy, Timocracy, Mobocracy, and Isocracy. )