(8) Helios
Pankaj Khanna,
Visiting Faculty Maths/DI-LR
IMS Indore.( 9424810575)
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(This article is Posted on 12/4/2023.)
(8) Helios
The summer has finally arrived. Time to remain indoor to avoid Heliosis (Sun-Stroke or Sun-burn) as far as possible.
Here comes the word of the day: Helios!
Let us examine a few interesting words which originate from this powerful root. Let us be Heliophilous (loving the Sun) and indulge a bit in Heliolatry ( Worshipping of Sun God) apart from enjoying our usual epeolatry!
(1) Heliocentric : HELIO centric (he lee o sen’ trik) adj.Having relation to the center of the sun.
(2) Heliochrome : HELIO chrome (he’ lee o krome) n. A naturally colored photograph.
(3) Heliochromoscope: HELIO chromoscope (he li o kro’ mo skope) n. Instrument to produce photos in natural colors.
(4) Heliochromy : HELIO chromy (he’ li o kro mi) n.Color photography
(5) Heliodon : HELIO don (he’ li o don) n.
A device to illustrate what seems to be the Sun’s motion
(6) Heliodor : HELIO dor (he’ li o dor) n. Yellow beryl , a precious stone or gem, found in South Africa.
(7) Heliofugal : HELIO fugal (he li of’ yu gal) adj. Tending away or running away from the sun.
(8) Heliograph : HELIO graph (he’ lee o graf) n.
An instrument for using the sun’s rays; as, a mirror for telegraphing.
(9) Heliogram : HELIO gram (he’ lee o gram) n. The message transmitted by heliograph.
(10) Helioid : HELIO id (he’ li oid) adj. There are millions Helioid like our sun in the Universe
(11) Heliology : HELIO logy (he li ol’ o ji) n. Science or study of the Sun.
(12) Heliophobic : HELIO phobic (he li o foe’ bik) adj. Fearing the Sun; hence shade-loving.
(13) Heliophyte : HELIO phyte (he’ li o fite) n. Plants growing in sunlight are known as heliophytes.
(14) Helioscope : HELIO scope (he’ li o skope) n. A dark lens telescope to view the sun while protecting the eyes.
(15) Heliotherapy : HELIO therapy (he li o ther’ a pi) n.Use of sunbaths to cure disease.
(16) Heliothermometer: HELIO thermometer(he li o ther mom’ e ter) n.Instrument to measure the intensity of solar radiation.
(17) Heliotrope : HELIO trope (hele’ ee o trope) n.A plant which turns to the sun.
(18) Anthelion: A luminous area like a halo sometimes seen in the sky opposite the sun.
(19) Parhelion: One of several bright spots on the parhelic circle or solar halo, caused by the diffraction of light by ice crystals in the atmosphere, esp around sunset. Also called: mock sun or sundog.
(20) perihelion : The point in a solar orbit where the orbiting body is closest to the sun.
(21) Aphelion: The point in its orbit when a planet or comet is at its greatest distance from the sun.
Tha above are just a few words with the root Helios. Can you find more words with the same root?
(और अगर आप 'भविष्य की भाषा हिंदी' में वर्तमान में कुछ अच्छा, हल्का-फुल्का हास, परिहास और इतिहास पढ़ना चाहते हैं तो आप तवा संगीत के आलेख भी पढ़ सकते हैं। ये हिंदी वाला ब्लॉग CAT में कुछ काम नहीं आएगा पर मजा आ सकता है:)