(8) Helios

Pankaj Khanna, 
Visiting Faculty Maths/DI-LR
IMS Indore.( 9424810575)

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(This article is Posted on 12/4/2023.)

(8) Helios

The summer has finally arrived. Time to remain indoor to avoid Heliosis (Sun-Stroke or Sun-burn) as far as possible.

Here comes the word of the day: Helios!

Helios is the God of the Sun in Greek mythology. Helios is seen as  personification of the Sun. And is also considered as the fundamental creative power behind it. In all cultures, Sun is  worshiped as a God of life and creation.

Let us examine a few interesting  words which originate from this powerful root. Let us be Heliophilous (loving the Sun) and indulge a bit in Heliolatry  ( Worshipping of Sun God) apart from enjoying our usual epeolatry!

(1)  Heliocentric : HELIO centric (he lee o sen’ trik) adj.Having relation to the center of the sun.

(2) Heliochrome : HELIO chrome (he’ lee o krome) n. A naturally colored photograph.

(3) Heliochromoscope: HELIO chromoscope (he li o kro’ mo skope) n. Instrument to produce photos in natural colors.

(4) Heliochromy : HELIO chromy (he’ li o kro mi) n.Color photography

(5) Heliodon : HELIO don (he’ li o don) n.
A device to illustrate what seems to be the Sun’s motion

(6) Heliodor : HELIO dor (he’ li o dor) n. Yellow beryl , a precious stone or gem, found in South Africa.

(7) Heliofugal : HELIO fugal (he li of’ yu gal) adj. Tending away or running away from the sun.

(8) Heliograph : HELIO graph (he’ lee o graf) n.
An instrument for using the sun’s rays; as, a mirror for telegraphing.

(9) Heliogram : HELIO gram (he’ lee o gram) n. The message transmitted by heliograph.

(10) Helioid : HELIO id (he’ li oid) adj. There are millions Helioid like our sun in the Universe 

(11) Heliology : HELIO logy (he li ol’ o ji) n. Science or study of the Sun.

(12) Heliophobic : HELIO phobic (he li o foe’ bik) adj. Fearing the Sun; hence shade-loving.

(13) Heliophyte : HELIO phyte (he’ li o fite) n. Plants growing in sunlight are known as heliophytes.

(14) Helioscope : HELIO scope (he’ li o skope) n. A dark lens telescope to view the sun while protecting the eyes.

(15) Heliotherapy : HELIO therapy (he li o ther’ a pi) n.Use of sunbaths to cure disease.

(16) Heliothermometer: HELIO thermometer(he li o ther mom’ e ter) n.Instrument to measure the intensity of solar radiation.

(17) Heliotrope : HELIO trope (hele’ ee o trope) n.A plant which turns to the sun.

(18) AnthelionA luminous area like a halo sometimes seen in the sky opposite the sun.

(19) Parhelion: One of several bright spots on the parhelic circle or solar halo, caused by the diffraction of light by ice crystals in the atmosphere, esp around sunset. Also called: mock sun or sundog

(20) perihelion : The point in a solar orbit where the orbiting body is closest to the sun.

(21) Aphelion: The point in its orbit when a planet or comet is at its greatest distance from the sun.

Tha above are just a few words with the root Helios. Can you find more words with the same root?

Pankaj Khanna
Indore (9424810575)
B.E. (Mech.) SGSITS Indore 1983 Batch
-Worked with HPCL from 1984 to 2007 as Mgr.
-Faculty Maths/DI-LR - T.I.M.E. Indore 2007-20
-Faculty Maths/DI-LR -IMS Indore 2022 Onwards.


List of  Articles of 'Epeolatry': 

4    Aeipathy
5    Ambigram
8    Helios
9    Sol

You may also wish to  see my blog : Love thy Numbers. It may be helpful for CAT Preparation in Quant Section to the Serious Students who are willing to accept additional inputs.

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