(7) Netiquettes

Pankaj Khanna, 
Visiting Faculty Maths/DI-LR
IMS Indore.( 9424810575)

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(This article is Posted on 10/4/2023.)


Netiquette is a relatively recent  word formed from  net and etiquette. Netiquette  describes the rules of conduct for proper, respectful and appropriate online communication.

There are many unwritten rules for Netiquettes like not abusing or accusing anyone publicly for his or her religion, looks, dress, food habits or any other personal trait. And no spamming and trolling  in Social Media.

Today I am going to explain two rules, though there are  many more, which should  be followed  by any decent person using the net.

(1) Suppose a person is a part of a Professional WhatsApp group in which there are 'x' members. If the person deliberately and repeatedly chooses to eulogise (x-1) persons obsequiously in sesquipedalian words  leaving out a person puposely; then the perpetrator of such an act  is certainly short on Netiquettes.  

(2) And second point is about Letter Cases. Please Choose your letter cases  very carefully. First of all let me explain the different styles  in vogue about letter cases.

(i) Upper Case: In this style all letters are capitalised. This style is used  only  to highlight a few points. Should be avoided in general. For Example:


(ii) Lower Case : 

In this style all letters are written in lower case and  is  used  in poetry, computer languages, and in informal electronic communications such as sms'. 

Example: to err is human...

(iii) Sentence Case: This is the most widely used and accepted style which should be used by the students. This is a mixed-case style in which the first word of the sentence is capitalised, as well as proper nouns  as required in the context. For Example:

To err is human...

(iv) Start Case: In this style first letter of every word is capitalised. This style is used for headings of a report etc. Not to be used otherwise as it is considered very loud and is also harsh at eyes. For Example: 

To Err Is Human, To Forgive Is Divine But To Blame It On Others Is Politics.

(v) Camel Case: In this style first letter of the first word is written in Small or Capital letters and first letter of all other words are capitalised without leaving space between words. For Example:YouTube, iPod, GaGa, iPhone, eBay etc.

This is Used in Programming languages. 

(vi) Snake Case: In this style all words are written in small case and  joined by Underscores. Used in programming languages. For Example: 


(vii) Kebab Case

In this style all words are written in small case and  joined by dashes. Used in programming languages. For Example: 


The Upper Case  and Start case Styles are more often used for emphasis. But if you intentionally write whole matter in Upper Case or Start Case, day in and day out, then this is regarded  as shouting , yelling, offending and poor Netiquette.

I am sure , you will take above suggestions positively to be better human beings and better netizens. Keep studying, keep replying, keep rocking! God bless you!

Pankaj Khanna
Indore (9424810575)
B.E. (Mech.) SGSITS Indore 1983 Batch
-Worked with HPCL from 1984 to 2007 as Mgr.
-Faculty Maths/DI-LR - T.I.M.E. Indore 2007-20
-Faculty Maths/DI-LR -IMS Indore 2022 Onwards.


List of  Articles of 'Epeolatry': 

4    Aeipathy
5    Ambigram
8    Helios
9    Sol

You may also wish to  see my blog : Love thy Numbers. It may be helpful for CAT Preparation in Quant Section to the Serious Students who are willing to accept additional inputs.

(और अगर आप 'भविष्य की भाषा हिंदी' में वर्तमान में कुछ अच्छा, हल्का-फुल्का हास, परिहास और इतिहास  पढ़ना चाहते हैं तो आप तवा संगीत के आलेख भी पढ़ सकते हैं। ये हिंदी वाला ब्लॉग CAT में कुछ काम नहीं आएगा पर मजा आ सकता है:)

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