(9) Sol
Pankaj Khanna,
Visiting Faculty Maths/DI-LR
IMS Indore.( 9424810575)
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(This article is Posted on 13/4/2023.)
(9) Sol
In the previous article we discussed about the Greek root Helios meaning Sun God. Today we are going to discuss about similar Latin root Sol meaning Sun God.
Let us start with the most common word derived from Sol: Solar. It does not need any introduction. The word solar, from the Latin root solaris, "of the sun," has to do with the Star at the center of our Solar System.
A few more words with the root 'Sol' are listed below:
(1) Solstice: Either of the two times of the year at which the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at midday, marked by the longest and shortest days i.e. Summer Solistice and Winter Solistice.
(2) Insolation: The state of being exposed to the light of the sun.
(3) Parasol : An light umbrella used to give shade from the sun.
(4) Solarium - A room or enclosed space designed to receive direct sunlight.
(5) Solanum: A genus of flowering plants in the nightshade family, which includes tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants.
(6) Soleil: Sun in French.
Quite a few are still left! Try to find them.🌞
Pankaj Khanna
Indore (9424810575)
B.E. (Mech.) SGSITS Indore 1983 Batch
-Worked with HPCL from 1984 to 2007 as Mgr.
-Faculty Maths/DI-LR - T.I.M.E. Indore 2007-20
-Faculty Maths/DI-LR -IMS Indore 2022 Onwards.
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